Thursday, January 24, 2013

Entrepreneur generation

I´m glad to say that during my internship in Dream:In I´m getting a full immersion in the entrepreneurial world since our aim in Dream:In is to find what Indian youth dream, find their aspirations and entrepreneur ideas and help and mentor them to develop their own business plans, that then will be showcased to a investors fund, realising 100 dreams, 100 start-ups!

During my venture in this project I've got in touch with very interesting thinkers related to entrepreneurship and I would like to share them with you, since I strongly believe we are in a entrepreneur generation (we only have to see the active and passionated spirit of the Indian youth surrounding us!), we only need inspiration and motivation to realise we can be one ourselves! (I recommend to watch the whole film, related to social entrepreneurship)

(more links to come)